AMR Recognized for Commitment to Pediatric Care in Montana
The Montana Emergency Medical Services for Children Program gives AMR Platinum-level status with a Safety Plus endorsement.
American Medical Response (AMR) has been formally recognized by the Montana Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Program as a Level IV/Platinum Pediatric EMS Service with a Safety Plus Endorsement.
The mission of EMSC is to implement a performance-driven healthcare system for pediatrics in Montana, ensuring that children, no matter where they live, have access to the right care at the right time with the right resources.
“We are honored to receive this designation,” stated Brian Hansen, operations manager at AMR. “Our young patients require a different approach to care and treatment and we are committed to providing that standard of care.”
The mission of EMSC is to implement a performance-driven healthcare system for pediatrics in Montana, ensuring that children, no matter where they live, have access to the right care at the right time with the right resources.
“We are honored to receive this designation,” stated Brian Hansen, operations manager at AMR. “Our young patients require a different approach to care and treatment and we are committed to providing that standard of care.”
- The Platinum Recognition indicates that AMR meets the following criteria:
- The agency has a medical director.
- The agency provides staff with at least 4 hours of pediatric education each year.
- The agency provides annual community outreach (i.e., presentations to elementary school students on EMS and safety or a bike safety rodeo).
- Each ambulance carries the required equipment and resources sized for the care of children.
- The agency has at least one nationally certified Child Passenger Safety (CPS) technician on staff and completes one child safety seat inspection event annually.
- All personnel have passed a Child Protective Services background check.