Online Ordering
Our industry-leading Transportation Management Solution enables healthcare professionals to schedule any level of medical transport at the click of a button. With Online Ordering, transport scheduling is ten times faster than ordering by phone—saving valuable time while increasing efficiency and hospital throughput. We make it easy to request and schedule medical transportation whenever it fits into the busy schedule of transfer center users, discharge planners, nurses or other staff at your facility.
- Accessible from any web browser
- Imports patient information securely with our SMART on FHIR App integration
- Determines appropriate levels of transport
- Creates paperless e-PCS documentation
- Provides real-time ETAs
- Transparency of past and future transports
- Easy implementation with minimal hospital IT support of 10-12 hours
- Integrates with Epic
“All Deaconess personnel who are responsible for arranging transport for patients are able to use Online Ordering. This level of integration is a ‘game changer’ for patient throughput at Deaconess. The system reduces handoffs, increases accuracy for hospital and EMS staff, and reduces hassle and wait times for patients.”
“Additionally, using the right level of transportation will lower costs for both Deaconess and patients, and the standardized documentation reduces billing discrepancies.”
- Amy Susott, Chief Innovation Officer, Deaconess
Customize Your Online Ordering Delivery Model
Our SMART on FHIR App is an industry-first on the Epic App Orchard for easy download and installation by your Epic Team. We assist with configuration, testing and training…getting you up and running in a few hours.