GMR Life
We believe that a culture of well-being must be engrained in an organization's soul. We also believe that well-being is a critical component of the employee experience and, as a company, we are committed to providing the best resources to all our personnel. GMR Life is our health, wellness and resilience program. Staffed by former responders and military who specialize in mental health and overall wellness, this free and confidential resource assists with everything from proactive wellness education to personal crisis and critical incident response.

As a frontline responder, rescuing others is the job, but that job can take its toll. YOU | ResponderStrong is a free, confidential space for responders and their families to take charge of their well-being and be their best in their personal and professional lives.
Therapy Dogs – Unconditional Love at a Moment's Notice

Founded in 2016, our Therapy Dog Program is committed to bringing comfort and happiness to GMR first responders and the communities they serve. The certified program has a qualified therapy dog team who delivers effective, pet-provided therapy services during times of sadness, stress and mental trauma. Learn more about our program.

If you would like to discuss arranging a visit from a GMR Therapy Dog, contact us at GMRLife@gmr.net. You can follow the GMR Therapy Dog Program on Facebook (@GMRTherapyDogs).