California City Launches Nurse Navigation Program
The city of El Cajon, Calif., has launched a pilot program that aims to decrease the number of unnecessary ambulance calls and emergency room visits, while reducing costs.
The city of El Cajon, Calif., has launched a pilot program that aims to decrease the number of unnecessary ambulance calls and emergency room visits, while reducing costs. AMR's Nurse Navigation Program has been launched in communities across the country. It enables registered nurses to provide potential alternatives to ambulance transport and emergency room visits. This reduces crowding in hospitals while getting patients the right care in the right place at the right time based on their specific needs. Several area media outlets have weighed in on the launch:
- JEMS: El Cajon (CA) Hopes Its 911 Overhaul Will Reduce Ambulance Trips and ER Wait Times
- San Diego Union Tribune : Less Serious Calls Go to Nurses in El Cajon Program
- ABC 10 News, San Diego : El Cajon Launches New Program to Help Non-Emergency 911 Callers
- NBC 7 News, San Diego : El Cajon's Nurse Navigator Program Aims to Decrease Unnecessary Ambulance Calls
- KUSI News, San Diego : El Cajon Launches Emergency Response Alternative Program