Global Medical Response Announces Network Agreement in California
The strategic partnership with GMR covers all 58 serviced California counties and includes fixed- wing and rotor-wing services provided by REACH Air Medical Services (REACH), CALSTAR Air Medical Services, Cal-Ore Life Flight, AirMed Response, and Med-Trans Corporation.
Global Medical Response (GMR) has announced it has signed a new multi-year agreement with Blue Shield of California. This agreement, which took effect on July 1, 2021, provides the 4.5 million Blue Shield of California members with in-network access to GMR’s life-saving emergency air medical transports. This strategic partnership with GMR covers all 58 serviced California counties and includes fixed-wing and rotor-wing services provided by REACH Air Medical Services (REACH), CALSTAR Air Medical Services, Cal-Ore Life Flight, AirMed Response, and Med-Trans Corporation.
Vicky Spediacci, Air Chief Operating Officer for REACH, said more than 800,000 Californians live in a rural area where access to a Level 1 or 2 trauma center can be more than an hour away, and emergency air medical transports serve as a safety net where access to care is limited due to the closure of more and more of the state’s rural hospitals.
“Global Medical Response companies provide over 11,000 air medical transports in California – all in support of our mission to provide care to the world at a moment’s notice,” said Spediacci.” This new agreement, combined with patients who have Medicare or Medicaid, means that over 80 percent of GMR’s California emergent air transports are in network. Blue Shield of California members will be responsible only for their benefit plan deductible and co-insurance. They will not receive a balance bill.”