Chelsea Tugaw, Air Force Veteran
Rotor-Wing Pilot for Gallup Med Flight
“I did not come from a military family, but I do miss the friendships and camaraderie I felt in the service,” said Tugaw. “I left to pursue college and a different career. What appealed to me about GMR was knowing the Chief Pilot personally and being aware of what a great person he is.”
Areas of Service
Tugaw served four years in the United States Air Force and achieved the rank of Senior Airman. Although her service was brief, Tugaw credits her time in the service as a solid foundation she uses every day. “Military training helped prepare me for my current role by providing me with critical thinking skills, leadership experience, and the ability to work with all types of personalities.”
Greatest Military Accomplishment
Tugaw says she did not travel overseas during her four years with the Air Force, but she feels honored to have been given the responsibility of keeping our nuclear weapons safe and secure. Tugaw says her Air Force background is put to use every day she flies. “Situations where my military experience proved helpful has been instrumental in making safe and decisive decisions daily in regards to the safety of each flight.”
