Stars Of Life Nomination

Stars Of Life Nomination Form

General Information

The Stars of Life program, initiated in 1996 by the American Ambulance Association (AAA), was aimed at identifying and celebrating those EMS professionals who exhibited extraordinary qualities of service, commitment and dedication. The program eventually expanded to include American Medical Response (AMR) professionals in a separate but simultaneous internal nomination process, before being made open in 2020 to every emergency responder in the Global Medical Response (GMR) family.

Today, the Stars of Life program offers a unique opportunity for GMR to bring national recognition to our employees and our company. This year, part-time and full-time nurses, paramedics, EMTs, communication center employees and other frontline professionals, who meet the selection criteria (as described in "Eligibility and Selection Criteria" section below), may be nominated for a Star. The qualities and achievements for which the Star is selected should be consistent with GMR's Mission Statement and Guiding Principles.

The GMR 2025 class of Stars will include 32 people selected to be honored at an in-person celebration in Washington, D.C. on November 2-5, 2025.

The AAA Stars of Life celebration is the nation’s most prestigious event to recognize and honor dedicated EMS professionals. The Stars themselves deliver important information on the value of quality ambulance services as an essential component of an effective and efficient healthcare system. By sponsoring our Stars, we gain a tremendous national platform to educate our community about our many entrepreneurial solutions to healthcare public policy challenges. Your participation also ensures wonderful memories for our employees and valuable local recognition. This exposure enhances the profile of National EMS Week across the United States.

Completion of all of the fields below is required and should be done as accurately as possible. If you need assistance in obtaining the required information, please work with your Regional Director, General Manager or local HR representative. The following information is critical in establishing contact with the nominee if he/she is chosen as a Star of Life.

There is an option at the end of the form to upload supporting documentation, photos and letters.

To meet GMR and AAA selection criteria for Stars of Life:

  • Nominees must be healthcare professionals (i.e. EMTs, EMDs, paramedics, nurses or communications center staff) with regular patient contact. Field personnel, dispatch center staff and field supervisors will also be considered.
  • Individuals who were promoted to supervisor or manager positions may be nominated as long as the criteria for which they are nominated pertains to work done as an employee with regular patient contact.
  • Supervisors with management-only responsibilities who do not meet these criteria are not eligible to be nominated, but divisions may choose to honor them as local Stars of Life.
  • Previous Stars of Life (from any year or any predecessor company) may not be nominated, but previous nominees (who were not selected) can be nominated again.
  • Employees must be employed either full-time or part-time. It is acceptable for a Star also to be employed by another organization such as a hospital or fire department.
  • The nomination should only include events that occurred in 2024.

Candidates may be selected because they received and/or were honored for:

  • Employee of the year
  • On-duty or off-duty service above and beyond the call of duty such as a special or unique rescue or setting of significant records
  • Significant community contributions such as volunteer work
  • Significant community distinction or honors related to ambulance, public safety, public health or healthcare services
  • Consistent service record, which exemplifies the Global Medical Response Mission Statement and Guiding Principles
  • Local leadership in developing community partnerships that enhance homeland security

Stars will be selected by the region. Scoring will be judged on several criteria. The following are some of the criteria that will be considered:

  • Demonstrated commitment to GMR's Mission and Guiding Principles
  • Significant accomplishments in the previous year
  • Ability to represent GMR in public venues such as congressional visits, local media opportunities and local and regional public speaking events
  • Demonstrated ability to work as a team member

As part of the Global Medical Response family, we are committed to the mission of providing care to the world at a moment's notice.

Guiding Principles


We continually earn the privilege to care for our patients. It is at the forefront of everything we do.  


We respect each other and achieve together what no individual can do alone.  


We are driven to develop solutions that inspire progress.  


We will never waver in our commitment to safety and preparedness in the fulfillment of our duties.  


We are accountable for what we do and take pride in how we do it.  


We are dedicated to being good stewards in the communities we serve. 

Please provide the following information about the person you are nominating:

GMR Regions (click to open in a new tab or window)

GMR Regions Map

Please provide the person you are nominating's OPERATION/BASE CONTACT INFORMATION:

Please provide the person you are nominating's CONTACT INFORMATION:

Please provide the following information about YOU, in case we have any follow-up questions:

1. Describe the reason(s) this individual is being nominated by describing their specific contributions to the EMS profession or an above-and-beyond act or service that you believe should be recognized. Provide as much detail as possible about the "who, what, where, when, why and how" of this person's contributions. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Participation in a noteworthy "save"
  • Voluntary EMS-related community service
  • Significant support for colleagues
  • Initiative was taken to launch or promote efforts to improve clinical expertise
  • Role as a mentor for new EMTs, paramedics, nurses
  • Unique support for patients going "above and beyond" normal service that displayed a true commitment to Global Medical Response's Mission - Providing care to the world at a moment's notice

2. Why do you believe this individual will be a superb representative of and ambassador for GMR during the Stars of Life event in Washington, DC?

3. Describe work experience; how long have they been in EMS? Did they seek additional credentials? To your knowledge, has this person continued their professional education?

4. Is there anything else you would like us to know about the individual that you have not already included?

If you have any supporting documentation - photos, letters, thank you cards, news articles - please upload it here:

If you need to upload more than 5 files, consider adding all files into a zip file and upload .zip file instead.

Here is a guide on how to zip files:

If files, that you want to attach, are in the same folders and that folder only contains files that you want to attach:

  1. Right-click the folder with files
  2. Select Compress to ZIP file option
  3. A file with the same name as your folder and .zip extension will be created
  4. Attach that .zip file to the form by clicking Choose File control on the form

If files are in different folders:

  1. Create a new folder
  2. Copy all files that you want to attach to the newly created folder
  3. Right-click the folder with files
  4. Select Compress to ZIP file option
  5. A file with the same name as your folder and .zip extension will be created
  6. Attach that .zip file to the form by clicking Choose File control on the form

The size of each file should not exceed 20 MB.